各位計畫主持人 您好
配合該系統之轉換,訂於6月9 (四)14:00~15:30 召開第一場新系統說明會線上說會。
Cisco webex
會議號:2511 281 9291

【Important information】System reminder: For animal testing projects regarding system transfers
Dear principal investigator,
In consideration of internet safety concerns and in accordance with the suggestions of the external audit personnel of the Council of Agriculture, a new animal experiment project system has been established.
A seminar will be held on June 09 14:00-15:30 to introduce the new system.
(This seminar will be conducted in Chinese.)
Join information
Meeting link:https://tmu60.webex.com/tmu60-tc/j.php?MTID=ma1cf27fdcc5b1f54e1a8c3604ddef52b
Meeting number:2511 281 9291
The system transfer is planned to be completed on June 20, after which the original project system will be discontinued. The website for the new animal testing project application system is https://acis.tmu.edu.tw. The new system will be integrated with the control system of the Taipei Medical University Animal Center. To ensure the preservation of user data in the original system, please back up project-related data stored in the system before July 19.